Saturday, July 25, 2009

CHECKING IN: when i procrastinate

(unknown source)

i picked up this book about traveling for nt $235. i've always wanted it and finally justified the purchase to myself today. although i also justified a lovely vest that screams le blog de betty. so my priorities might be a bit out of whack.

i've been waiting for 500 days of summer and gigantic for way too long. when will i be able to see zooey again?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

CHECKING IN: lover with soul power

(photo by stephen)

i've had a lot of things rattling around in my brain to write about lately, but these days there seems to be so many other things which need doing i just can't find the dedicated time to write. i know this blog has been relatively quiet compared to those earlier ones of multiple posts per week. i'm still glad i've kept it around. surprisingly, there even seem to be a few of you who still come around to see what's going on. and i love you to bits for that.

i'm trying to stay organic and eco-friendly ever since i arrived, but it is not an easy task here. i mean you do see people using re-useable shopping bags, but it seems like no one here buys organic shampoo and conditioner because i can't find them anywhere. maybe i just don't know where to look, but even if they do sell them they are probably expensive. i might as well switch to bi-carb soda and vinegar for my hair, cheap, accessible, and even more earth friendly. i heard they work wonders too.

speaking of hair, i miss wearing my beret all the time. i miss knitting too, but it's way too hot. i bet i'm not the only one who misses winter these days. i'm definitely a winter person, no arguments there.

i stress myself out needlessly sometimes over trying to discover or uncover what i want in life. the problem stems from the assumption that i'll want the same thing forever. maybe i don't need to discover what i want forever, i just need to discover what i want at the moment. but then i started thinking, if i don't think about the future then what's the point of thinking in the first place? geez i don't make fok all sense. sometimes i wonder if i'm qualified to be an adult.

it's scary, but i think i might be going off caffeine. i havent had a coffee for three days so i just made myself a black filter. and i've been working on the same cup for three hours. in the past, i could finish one in minutes. maybe it's because hazelnut cream flavoured coffee beans from seattle's best tastes totally weird?

i feel like writing more often these days. see you soon x

Monday, July 13, 2009

TREE HUGGER: ideal bite

everyone go visit ideal bite!

today's green tip =)

Overpopulation Equation

The Bite:

Seven billion people + more on the way = …? One Mama Earth with a whole lotta people to look after. In honor of World Population Day (tomorrow) try on an eco-condom for size. It won't hurt your body or the planet - 'cuz the way things are going, we're gonna need more decimals on our calculators very soon.

The Benefits:

* Subtracting consumption. Over a lifetime, the average North American will throw away 600 times his or her adult weight in garbage.
* No calculus required…just a condom. To the 38% of Americans who don't use contraception while hoping to avoid pregnancy: seriously? With biodegradable, vegan, and nontox options available, condoms are way sexier than a few years ago.
* Multiplying animal populations. Fewer people traipsing around slows environmental destruction (about 25% of the world's mammals are endangered due to lost habitat).

Personally Speaking:

Cola-flavored eco-condoms: at last. (Er…)

Wanna Try:

We're not really sure why these all have to be made so far away (c'mon, American manufacturers!), but at least some are available through American retailers.

* Sheer Glyde Dams - latex dental dams made ethically in Malaysia; includes a cola flavor. Also: male condoms ($5-$10/12).
* French Letter Aphrodisiac Condoms - rose- and vanilla-scented, fair-trade condoms made from FSC-certified rubber latex; three other varieties also available ($15/12).
* Condomi Condoms - an assortment of vegan latex condoms from Germany - including XXL and fruit-flavored versions ($5/15).
* Condom Depot - not vegan, but it only stocks condoms without Nonoxynol-9 (a spermicide in conventional condoms that carries similar risks to parabens).

eco-condoms. makes me giggle lol.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

LOOKIE HERE: chevolution

i saw chevolution at the taipei film festival this week. it is a documentary about che guevara, the argentine revolutionary who helped make the cuban revolution happen with castro. it examines how he crossed path with alberto korda, a fasion photographer who took the famous picture of guevara, that became the basis for the icon we know today (photo above). and also the phenomenon surrounding the picture, the fact that his face appearing on everything from posters to cigarette packs to t-shirts nowadays.

there's this song in the documentary that really caught my attention. some people have no idea who che guevara is, but most likely know what he looks like. everyone knows that he's a symbol of something, but just not quite sure what. the song mocks those who blindly wear che guevara t-shirts but have no idea what they stand for. it is from an australian band called the clap. and here is the video.

che guevara t-shirt wearer

i thought the documentary is quite well done. but if you are keen on learning more about che guevara's life, watch the motorcycle diaries instead, to learn about his trip throughout latin america, and why he transformed into who he was. there's also che: part one and two which came out last year and gave a very detailed story on pretty much his whole life.