Thursday, May 28, 2009

GOBBLE THIS! - my leavers

so i said goodbye to the guitar last night. believe it or not, this morning i woke up feeling a little lost. now i have to go pick out another guitar and try to get used to it. but at least this time it will be mine =) until i find the new guitar i have a harmonica to keep me busy!

from here

manchester orchestra last week was rad. my favourite songs weren't on the set list and it bummed me out a little. 4 bands played that night, and i really really liked fun. such happy tunes and happy people. i think mr. eru and mr. anal dig audrey sessions more. by the time we got the drinks and settled in, the first band already finished playing so i guess i can't really comment on them.

me and some friends had a little bbq/bonfire few nights ago and it was a lot of fun. we took some really awesome pictures too! i wish i could share more personal pictures with you guys, but that would involve my friends and i can't really post them on here (okay i still do sometimes), but if you are keen there is always facebook.

i met up with the girls at bin 942 for dinner last night. i would have share pictures if patty had sent them to me =P anyways, it was great fun as always, lots and lots of laughs. i think i'm really gonna miss these great dinners with dessert afterwards (ALWAYS dessert afterwards lol).

this is going to be my last post in vancouver for awhile as i'm leaving yet again. to be honest, i'm not ready to leave and i'm not entirely sure if i want to. i do look forward to going places again and possibly starting a new life, but i've had a great year back home and met such wonderful people, maybe i don't want to lose that. but i guess i'll have to carry on sooner or later. lots of love and kisses to those who made my year x

Friday, May 22, 2009

LOOKIE HERE: where the hell is matt?

"Matt is a 29-year-old deadbeat from Connecticut who used to think that all he ever wanted to do in life was make and play videogames. He achieved this goal pretty early and enjoyed it for a while, but eventually realized there might be other stuff he was missing out on. In February of 2003, he quit his job in Brisbane, Australia and used the money he'd saved to wander around the planet until it ran out.

A few months into his trip, a travel buddy gave Matt the idea of dancing everywhere he went and recording it on his camera. This turned out to be a very good idea. Now Matt is quasi-famous as "That guy who dances on the internet. No, not that guy. The other one. No, not him either. I'll send you the link. It's funny."

visit where the hell is matt? =)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

departures: scott or justin?

sb asked me who i like better on departures, scott or justin. i couldn't decide. i think i really liked scott when i first started watching the show, but then justin is so endearing, spontaneous and silly.

andre rocks too! yeah i like them all. lol.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

twitter all in one, with pictures too!

everyone has a twitter these days, am i like totally un-cool and out-of-date or what? i understand that one of the benefits of having a twitter means you don't have to feel silly and kind of lame when you write about series of random things in one single blog post. but i can't be bothered signing up a twitter account, so here's me feeling silly and kind of lame!

source unknown

- i feel like i need to be on the road again. and i will. in 3 weeks!

- i thought i was the luckiest girl in the world when you offered to sponsor my stubbornness.

- interpol is so addictive.

- guess who i saw in downtown vancouver this week? dakota fanning! she was absolutely lovely. i'm guessing she was in town filming new moon.

gaspard ulliel

- okay, maybe french dudes are allowed to be smugs.

photo by papa tseng

- i stumbled upon a few travel-writing blog posts about greece. and thought to myself, of all the tourists, no one (even if there are, only a few) can ever experience greece as we experienced it, and no one loves her like we do. i'm being a total snob but that was how i felt.

- the presets show we went to a few weeks ago (yes i know i'm totally behind) was fantastic fun.

photo by stephen

- we also went to see ali's friend play in a dodgy pub. we got to meet some of the musicians who played that night, which was cool.

by the way, did you know that twitter is ruining our moral values? twitter is hardening our hearts, we hear all the terrible things that are going on in the world in short text versions which makes us not reactful. by only reacting on a surface level, that in time, makes us cold. read this! and that is exactly why i don't use twitter and therefore bug you with a very random and unorganized blog post instead! (now i feel even lame-r having to justify my action with a scientific finding!) i do use facebook though, but that only means i lose half of my moral values and that's totally fine with me. it's not like i have a whole lot to begin with.

Monday, May 4, 2009

LOOKIE HERE: drink, don't drive!

(unknown source)

it's funny 'coz it's true! i'm drinking southern comfort instead of beer though.