Thursday, July 9, 2009

LOOKIE HERE: chevolution

i saw chevolution at the taipei film festival this week. it is a documentary about che guevara, the argentine revolutionary who helped make the cuban revolution happen with castro. it examines how he crossed path with alberto korda, a fasion photographer who took the famous picture of guevara, that became the basis for the icon we know today (photo above). and also the phenomenon surrounding the picture, the fact that his face appearing on everything from posters to cigarette packs to t-shirts nowadays.

there's this song in the documentary that really caught my attention. some people have no idea who che guevara is, but most likely know what he looks like. everyone knows that he's a symbol of something, but just not quite sure what. the song mocks those who blindly wear che guevara t-shirts but have no idea what they stand for. it is from an australian band called the clap. and here is the video.

che guevara t-shirt wearer

i thought the documentary is quite well done. but if you are keen on learning more about che guevara's life, watch the motorcycle diaries instead, to learn about his trip throughout latin america, and why he transformed into who he was. there's also che: part one and two which came out last year and gave a very detailed story on pretty much his whole life.

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